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MeetFactory, o. p. s.
Ke Sklárně 3213/15
150 00 Praha 5


Opening hours:
13:00 to 20:00 + based on evening program

Small But Dangers

Small But DangersSmall But Dangers

Small But Dangers (b. 1977, Slovenia) is a duo consisting of Simon Hudolin and Mateja Rojc. They have been working as an artistic collective since 2004, after graduating from the College for Painting in Ljubljana; Simon Hudolin completed his master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana in 2015. They convey an intimate and poetic (but also rough and provocative) understanding of the banality of everyday life – as a vision of an unprecedented (destructive) power that a single small subject can create. In 2008, they were nominated for the OHO Group Award, while in 2017, they were its recipients. In 2013, SBD and Matija Brumen were awarded the second prize in the Photography of the Year 2013 Competition. SBD has also received the VIG Special Invitation Award as part of the 2015 Essl Art Award CEE and the 2019–2022 Award for the Best Artist Book in Slovenia. They have participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, among others, in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Vienna, Belgrade, Athens, Pivka, Celje, Osijek, Novi Sad, and Ravne na Koroškem.

Date of residency: 1. 2. – 31. 3. 2025

MEETFACTORY RESIDENCY PROJECT – The Europe Archipelago: The Island of Prague

In their own words: “In the language that has a monopoly on life we will look for blind spots. We will take advantage of their potential, which remains potential only if it is unfulfilled. We will not look for the content behind the surface. Instead, we will reveal it in the form of the surface. The content of the word sustainability (the theme of the program) is of a precarious nature. The metaphysics of the meaning will be reached through poetic thinking, where the coherence between object and thought is constantly challenged. The emancipatory potential of language lies in the difference between language and life, between art and life. In this abyss between the two a small individual can manipulate with systems of norms, meanings and values. We will present art as a dead background on which life can sprout again. Faced with art, a person recognizes her/himself as its opposite - a thinking, emotional living being.”


2015    Master Studies of Painting at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia

2008    Pedagogy of Visual Art at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia

2005    Graduated at Šola za risanje in slikanje (Art College) in Ljubljana, Slovenia


2022    Best Artist Book Award in Slovenia 2019-2022, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute

2017    OHO Group Award, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015    Essl Art Award CEE 2015 - VIG Special Invitation

2013    Photography of the year 2013, 2. Price, Matija Brumen + SBD, Emzin Ljubljana, Slovenia

2008    Nomination for OHO group award, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art, Center and gallery P74, Ljubljana, Slovenia


2024    Scavenging, Hiša kulture v Pivki, Pivka, Slovenia

2022    Fragments, Chips, and Residues, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2019    Zima Zima Bum Bum Čao, Dom omladine Beograd, Beograd

2018    Untitled, P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2017    Not the same, ŠKUC Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2016    Frlauf (Verlauf), Institute for Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia

2016    If I were God, I would not exist, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Likovni Salon Gallery, Celje, Slovenia


2025    Layering: Collage and assemblage in contemporary Slovene art, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2024    Time decays or the level of disorder, Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Austria

2023    Unbearable lightness of being, Miklova hiša gallery, Ribnica, Slovenia

2022    Our ships, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2021    Miško Šuvaković, Darko Šimičić: Beyond Art Groups – The New Art Apparatus, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2021    Mladen Stropnik and Small but dangers: Dobrojutro and Color white graphics: F, R, E, Š, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2021    Why so serious?, Knifer Gallery, Osijek, Croatia

2021    The next 21 days will be crucial: The annual exhibition of the School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing World of Art, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2021    Back2Back: Mila Peršin, DIVA Station, Videospotting, SCCA Ljubljana, Slovenia

2021    Metamodernism, Association DUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia

July 2020    VideoGarden.2, Škuc Gallery, SCCA-Ljubljana, 9. 7. 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2020    Rock, paper, scissors, Blind Date 2020, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2019    ART FOR SALE / Paper Matters, UGM Kabinet, Maribor, Slovenia

2019    Made in China: Successes And Failures, Photon Gallery, Vienna, Austria

2018    Poetry Needs a Mirror, SCCA-Ljubljana, Vodnikova domačija Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2018    Made in China: Authentic Slovenian Art in Belgium, WARP, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

2018    Bad Choice?, Alkatraz galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia 

2018    Wendy’s Subway Reading Room, Bard Graduate Center, New York, USA


2025    Sustainability is in the AiR, MeetFactory, Prague, Czech Republic

2024    Sustainability is in the AiR, Matadero, Madrid, Spain

2024    Sustainability is in the AiR, Snehta Residency, Athens, Greece

2021    Artist-in-Residence program at International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2017    Artist-in-Residence program, Residency Unlimited, New York, USA

2016    Artist-in-Residence at International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2014    Artist-in-Residence program Transfer, Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising, Germany


All information is accurate as of 01 February 2025.